How Globe
Group saved
$200,000 by
partnering with
Astute by Deel

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Results at a glance:

Approximately $200K saved.
Half a day of time per week returned due to automation features
Ability to develop a new business arm due to streamlined financial processes.
Payroll staff freed up to upskill in important areas

Meet the company

Recruitment company Globe Group started as the brainchild of two brothers in Queensland. And, as is often the case with successful businesses, their story started in a garage.

However, the business expanded quickly – faster than they'd anticipated. And within just a few months, they had an official office space and 170 candidates on the books.

"Then legislation changes came in and they had to expand their compliance efforts around payroll. It got to a point where they needed to have a real payroll team," says Globe Group's Chief of Operating, Tane Winiana.

What problem were we solving?

Globe Group struggled to find a solution that worked for them. Their legacy system just wasn't cutting it.

"We had paper timesheets being faxed and emailed and pictures sent via phones. It was not a cohesive approach at all," says Winiana.

Plus, they had to run payroll four times per week to capture their whole workforce which, Winiana says, was a "massive waste of time".

"We literally had clients that stopped working with us because we had timesheets coming through and someone had altered them. We had other candidates not work with us because they had to physically come in here to drop [their pay slip] off.

"We work in the construction industry, so all of our sites start from between 5-6 in the morning. The last thing these workers want to do is fill their timesheets at the end of the week and have it sent by carrier pigeon to us."

"Without that level of assurance from Astute that the software would do exactly what we needed it to do, we never would have got anywhere."

Tane Winiana,
Chief of Operating, Globe Group

What was the solution?

Eventually, Globe Group found Astute Payroll by Deel and, according to Winiana, "all their pain points disappeared overnight".

"It could handle the necessary volumes that we're processing, which is anything between 150-300 individual candidates on a weekly basis – plus all their approvers. Winiana was also impressed by Astute's integration abilities.

"They could integrate with our existing CRM. There was all this automation that could occur which meant we didn't have to do timesheets anymore and everything could be done in one pay run. Astute also connects with Globe Group's front end recruitment platform, JobAdder.

"It integrated immediately. We just put in the API code and away it went. The integration works exceedingly well and it's not something I expected because a lot of software says it can integrate but neglects to mention all the stuff you've got to do to get it to work. That didn't happen with Astute. As well as using Astute to manage its candidates, Globe Group also utilises it with internal staff management.

"It's really good at managing things like annual loading, sick leave and putting in requests to managers. I don't have to use five different pieces of software anymore. The electronic timesheets are a "massive time saver", he says.

Before, that was an extremely manual process. We had to put it all into a spreadsheet and get out the old desk calendar... So all of that workflow has been taken out. That saved us at least half a day.

"The automation in the back end of Astute has enabled our internal staff to have a more efficient workflow which is really important because there's only two of them. Winiana says Astute has also been critical in helping Globe Group retain its ISO Certification, because there's an auditable trail for everything, which helps them maintain compliance with ISO standards.

[This certification] enables us to get bigger business in the long term; it gives us access to large contracts and big tenders."

What were the

Winiana's payroll team described Astute as the "best thing since sliced bread" and it s easy to see why

Within six to 12 months of partnering with Astute by Deel, Winiana estimates Globe Group has saved the equivalent of three full time roles, which is approximately $200,000.

"Using [JobAdder and Astute Payroll by Deel] combined has saved us so much. I have the same number of candidates out at the moment that we did with double the amount of staff. Utilising Astute has also helped Globe Group expand its business.

"It's given us the ability to expand into major projects under a different ABN, which is fantastic because a lot of software won't do that.

"Without that level of assurance from Astute that the software would do exactly what we needed it to do, we never would have got anywhere.

And less time spent in manual, routine work means Globe Group's payroll staff are freed up to do more strategic work.

"This has given our payroll manager the ability to expand her role. Previously she was Payroll Coordinator, now she's the Accounts and Payroll Manager, so she's able to take on training and professional development.

She's been able to learn about the legal landscape in relation to our EBA contracts. It's given her the ability to do more with her day, and in her career."

Have you got a similar challenge
that needs addressing?

Book a free demo today to learn how Astute Payroll can help.